
Featherisasetof250+simpleandbeautifulopensourceSVGicons.Eachiconisdesignedona24x24gridwithafocusonsimplicity,uniformityand ...,FeatherIcons.Simplybeautifulopensourceicons.activity.airplay.alert-circle.alert-octagon.alert-triangle.align-center.align-justify.align-left.,Apexadminissuperflexible,powerful,clean&modernresponsivebootstrap4admintemplatewithunlimitedpossibilities.,FeatherIconsgrow...

Bootstrap 5 Feather Icons

Feather is a set of 250+ simple and beautiful open source SVG icons. Each icon is designed on a 24x24 grid with a focus on simplicity, uniformity and ...

Feather | AppStack

Feather Icons. Simply beautiful open source icons. activity. airplay. alert-circle. alert-octagon. alert-triangle. align-center. align-justify. align-left.

Feather Icons

Apex admin is super flexible, powerful, clean & modern responsive bootstrap 4 admin template with unlimited possibilities.

260+ Simply beautiful open source icons For Web & Desktop

Feather Icons growing icon collection allows designers and developers targeting various platforms to download icons in the format, color and size they need ...


Feather is a collection of simply beautiful open source icons. Each icon is designed on a 24x24 grid with an emphasis on simplicity, consistency and ...

Icons · Bootstrap v5.0

We've tested and used these icon sets ourselves as preferred alternatives to Bootstrap Icons. Font Awesome · Feather · Octicons. More options. While we haven't ...


While we haven't tried these out, they do look promising and provide multiple formats—including SVG. Bytesize · Google Material icons · Ionicons · Feather ...

feathericonsfeather: Simply beautiful open

feather.replace([attrs]). Replaces all elements that have a data-feather attribute with SVG markup corresponding to the element's data-feather attribute value.


Official open source SVG icon library for Bootstrap.

Feather Icons

Data Table · Bootstrap Tables · Responsive Tables · Editable Tables. Charts. Flot Charts · Morris Charts · Chart-js · Sparkline Charts · Knob Charts. Icons.